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  DataTipo di documento Titolo Emittente/organismo
23 Nov 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Manufacturing issuers AGCO Corporatio...
AGCO Internatio...
AL-KO Vehicle T...
American Traile...
C&D Technologie...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
14 Mar 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Manufacturing issuers AGCO Corporatio...
AGCO Internatio...
Allison Transmi...
American Traile...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Fin...
Caterpillar Inc...
22 Dec 2010 Rating Action Moody's lowers long term rating of Pitney Bowes to A2 from A1. Outlook negative Pitney Bowes Cr...
Pitney Bowes In...
Pitney Bowes In...
05 Aug 2010 Rating Action Moody's places long term rating of Pitney Bowes under review for possible downgrade Pitney Bowes Cr...
Pitney Bowes In...
Pitney Bowes In...
17 Jun 2010 Credit Opinion Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation
08 Apr 2009 Announcement Moody's modifies backed-Aaa ratings criteria for FDIC guaranteed debt in line with TLGP changes Amarillo Nation...
Amegy Bank Nati...
American Expres...
American Expres...
American Expres...
American Saving...
Associated Banc...
Associated Bank...
Astoria Bank
Astoria Financi...
25 Mar 2009 Rating Action Moody's Revises Xerox's Rating Outlook to Stable from Positive Xerox Capital T...
Xerox Corporati...
Xerox Credit Co...
07 May 2008 Rating Action Moody's Changes Bombardier Outlook to Positive Bombardier Capi...
Bombardier Inc.
Broward (County...
Connecticut Dev...
Dallas-Fort Wor...
27 Mar 2008 Announcement Moody's Says Xerox Ratings & Outlook Unaffected by Settlement Xerox Corporati...
Xerox Credit Co...
15 Nov 2007 Rating Action Moody's raises long term rating of Xerox to Baa2. Outlook positive. Xerox Capital T...
Xerox Corporati...
Xerox Credit Co...
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